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DataStar Tools Release: 1.4.2

Release Date: 24th April 2022

File MD5 Hash
DataStar Tools Zip 4BAC02B21C6AC2AA5D706644A7624056
DataStar Tools NuGet 826DDD9F2277E0B8BEAE099987D27794

This is the DataStar Tools Command Line (CLI) and is used to deploy DataStar packages and can be integrated into tools such as Octopus Deploy.

DataStar.Tools is the new Command Line Interface (CLI) and replaces the DataStar.CmdLine application. The features include:

  • DotNet Core 3.1 application for automated deployments and can run on both Windows and Linux platforms.
  • Supports Oracle and SqlServer target databases.
  • Audit tables optional when creating reversal scripts.
  • Generate reversal scripts to Audit tables and/or NuGet packages
  • Can publish NuGet packages to a NuGet Repository.


The DataStar Tools CLI can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, Docker as a .NET Core (Version 3.1) application. See DataStar Tools Command Line (CLI)


FEATURE 183 Oracle 18c introduced the concept of a private temporary table, a memory-based temporary table that is dropped at the end of the transaction. You can now use private temporary table with DataStar provided your tables definitions do not contain BLOB or CLOB columns as these are not currently supported by Oracle. You can specify this prefix to enable private temporary table on a per component basis in the template using the "PttTablePrefix" attribute. The PRIVATE_TEMP_TABLE_PREFIX initialisation parameter, which defaults to "ORA$PTT", defines the prefix that must be used in the name when creating the private temporary table. To enable private temporary tables set the "PttTablePrefix" attribute to the PRIVATE_TEMP_TABLE_PREFIX value (for example "ORA$PTT_").

FEATURE 184 DataStar.Tools now supports running multiple manifests provided you can identify the work item from the manifest file name using a regular expressions. See the work item parameter description to see how to use this feature. Note that each work item is processed in a separate transaction, therefore a failure in the deployment will only rollback the current work item being processed.

FEATURE 185 SqlServer Object Templates now supports generating a CREATE OR ALTER if it is supported by the database version.