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DATASTAR: Add Work Item History


The task is used to add history to a TFS Work Item. The task uses the TFS Web Service API to create the history entry.

Contact Information

Please report a problem to if you are facing problems in making this task work. You can also share feedback about the task like, what more functionality should be added to the task, what other tasks you would like to have, at the same place.

Task Parameters

The task can be used to create a history entry against a TFS Work Item. The task parameters are described in detail below. The parameters listed with a * are required parameters for the task.

  • History Text*: The message to include in the work item history. This can be a multiline text block containing TFS variables. You can also use the syntax {DateTime} to include the date and time the record was created. The datetime can be formatted using the syntax {DateTime:###} where ### is a valid datetime format for example {DateTime:dd/MM/yyyy} examples of format masks are available here.

  • Work Items*: The work items to which the history should be added, multiple work items can be updated by providing a comma separated list. Typically this would be set to a TFS variable so that the value can be set dynamically.

Advanced Options

The following parameters are selectively shown under the Advanced Options:

  • TFS Repository Uri: This is the URI of the TFS Server, it is not normally necessary to set this value as by default it will use the TFS system variable BUILD_REPOSITORY_URI.
  • **Bearer Token: ** Optional OAuth Token, if you wish to use the build pipeline OAuth token then set this to the SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN system variable using $(System.AccessToken).
  • **Username: ** The TFS Web Service calls will use the TFS Agent default credentials unless a user name is specified. If the username is included you must also specify a password.
  • Password: Optional password if not using default credentials (Use a variable to encrypt the password by marking the variable as secure).
  • Use Proxy Server: If this is true, this task will attempt to go through the agent web proxy, unless a different Proxy Uri is specified.
  • Proxy Uri: Optional Uri for the Proxy Server, if not set it will use the agent web proxy.
  • **Proxy Username: ** Optional, specify a proxy user name unless or leave blank to use default credentials.
  • Proxy Password: Optional password if not using default credentials (Use a variable to encrypt the password by marking the variable as secure).
  • Fail on Standard Error: If this is true, this task will fail if any errors are written to the Standard Error stream.

Known Issues:
