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DataStar Tools Release: 2.0.14

Release Date: 27th February 2024

File MD5 Hash
DataStar Tools Zip 19041B8592DE0784BD19F9E8F69C42F3
DataStar Tools NuGet 3AFDB57F718D4F74B97C593AD42692F8

This is the DataStar Tools Command Line (CLI) and is used to deploy DataStar packages and can be integrated into tools such as Octopus Deploy.

DataStar.Tools features include:

  • DotNet 8 self-contained application for Windows .
  • Supports Oracle and SqlServer target databases.
  • Audit tables optional when creating reversal scripts.
  • Generate reversal scripts to Audit tables and/or NuGet packages
  • Can publish NuGet packages to a NuGet Repository.


The DataStar Tools CLI is supplied as a platform-specific self contained application currently we are only publishing a Windows version however (Linux and macOS are available on request). See DataStar Tools Command Line (CLI)


FEATURE 229 -A license key is no longer required when running DataStar.Tools if deploying scripts without the reversal mode enabled. However if you do enable the reversal feature a license key is still required to generate scripts.

Resolved Items

DEFECT 230 - Extracting reversal scripts from the audit database failed, this is fixed in this release.