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DataStar Release:

Release Date: 22nd May 2022

Windows installer Chocolatey
MSI Installer Choco DataStar


This release depends on Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.7.2 - this should be installed prior to upgrading. You can find the .NET Framework 4.7.2 by following these links:


FEATURE 187 The Oracle implementation did not support generating permissions associated with DDL objects, this has now been added to DataStar.

FEATURE 188 Oracle 18c introduced the concept of a private temporary table, a memory-based temporary table that is dropped at the end of the transaction. CLOB columns are not supported supported by Oracle in private temporary table, however a new feature has been added so that you can override the type as a VARCHAR2 in the template <Column Name="MY_CLOB_COLUMN" DataType="VARCHAR2" Length="22000"> so that the private temporary table uses a VARCHAR2 and casts to a CLOB on the underlying table. This can be useful provided that the data can fit in the maximum varchar length supported by your database.

FEATURE 188 SQL Server - the generated scripts currently include the DELETE operation with the MERGE statement, as a result it is normally necessary to add trigger scripts that disable and enable constraints so that foreign key constraints don't cause a failure. This mode is still the default behaviour however there is now an option to generate the deletes at the end of the script in reverse order which avoids the need for the the disable and enable constraints scripts in the majority of cases. This can be enabled by setting the Version attribute on the templates to "2".

Resolved Items

DEFECT 186 - Oracle - There were issues identified with the escaping of literal values contained in DDL objects with Oracle. Support for DDL statements has objects has been enhanced so that they are no longer generated with "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE", as a result the execution engine has also been enhanced to support running DDL.